Sunday with The Scribes - #31

Sunday with The Scribes - #30 Reading Sunday with The Scribes - #31 3 minutes Next Sunday with The Scribes - #32


Our past few newsletters have centered around goal-setting for 2021. Today, we want to remind you to write those goals down. (preferably in a Scribe)

If you are struggling on where to focus, try to goal-set for each area of your life:

  • Professional Goals
  • Health / Fitness Goals
  • Financial Goals
  • Personal Goals

If you find that your goals are big and daunting, break them up into bite-size pieces.

For example, Pooja wants to read 12 books this year. On the surface, that sounds like a lot. So instead of thinking about the big picture goal of twelve books, she set a goal for herself to read for 10 minutes per day. At the end of the year, the result will likely be the same, but the journey will be much less stressful.

Throughout the year, check in on a monthly basis to reflect on the progress you are making.

And share your goals with friends and family. If you get the word out, others will help hold you accountable.


This week we thought it would be fun to share some of our individual goals for 2021:

Michael Reiney: "Far too often in 2020, I would roll out of bed and immediately sit down at my desk to begin working. On the mornings where I went on a walk, got some exercise, or went out for coffee, I was infinitely happier and more productive. One of my goals for 2021 is to carve out some time between the time I wake up and the time I begin working."

Pooja Patel: "In 2020, like most of us, I spent far too much money ordering takeout. This year, as a way to save money, get healthier, and learn a new skill, I am committed to cooking more. I'll be using this cookbook to help me get started."

Alden Bohrmann: "This year, I want to focus less on being busy and more on being present in my work. Deep work > busy work."

Aside from these personal goals, we've spent a lot of time as a team planning for 2021 and what we envision for The Scribes. We are incredibly excited to get back to work and we are forever grateful to have you on this journey with us!